วันเสาร์ที่ 22 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

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brookhaven memorial medical center
I've heard so many people tell me that I read jokes and humor books from time to time." "Laughing a bit would do you a very good" they tell me. " "This is beautiful" "I respond. I do not know whether I am regarded as a subtle attack or as a really well-intentioned advice. I think I'm a pretty funny guy, I even use my own jokes. I do not need to read, silly Books about them. That is the admission of defeat.

When reading "The 4-Hour Week" by Tim Ferriss, I found myself reading chapter 8 - Outsourcing life and laugh hysterically loud all over the whole thing. The chapter was not by Tim Ferriss, it was by AJ Jacobs, editor at Esquire Magazine (excerpts are available online). Who is this guy Jacobs and how can I learn more about him? It fascinates me.

A.J. Jacobs is a crazy type. Crazy in a fun and friendly way.

I have some articles for Esquire, he had written. "" My Life as a Hot Woman ", explains how his son baby sitter was 27 and single, and he talked them into letting him create a profile for her on Match.com and screen all their potential candidates. The articles are me glued to my computer and it was funny, very entertaining and made me laugh loud on many occasions. This guy can write! It may seem the simplest story comic funny, captivating and entertaining. Then I feel a little jealous. I want to be as good as the writer AJ! One thing is humor. I think I'm a good writer, but not in my humor writing. How can I?

A.J. Jacobs has a pair of best sellers, both with very unusual premises. The first, "" The Know-It-All: One Man's Humble Quest to be the most intelligent people in the world "is an autobiographical one year of the experiment. He decided to read the entire Encyclopedia Britannica from AZ, or more precisely, from an AK-to Zywiec. This is really peak my interest. It is so off the wall that it sounds like something I would try and try, if I had so much time. Instead of reading the encyclopedia, I could read the book and live when representing Jacobs. I found the introduction and first chapter online at the website AJ, and after reading, I was addicted.

I went immediately to the border and took the book. I am reading at the Borders cafe. I was frightened by a girl who asked me in an accusatory tone, "" What do you read? "" I fast that I was reading a book by a man who reads the encyclopedia, and talks about it. They tear, "" They were loud laugh so much, I thought it was interesting. But what's so funny about the encyclopedia? "" I told her that Jacobs talks about oddball trivia, all these crazy things that he read, refers to his life, and tries to impress people at cocktail parties with all his new found "knowledge". "His trials, usually backwards to impress, and the stories of these incidents are always ridiculous. She is so gross I do not even know why they continue to talk to me, but they tried me on the defensive, "" So ... He is making fun of the encyclopedia, this is real smart. "" I Fall into their trap. "" He is not really fun is. He refers to his life and makes all these crazy references, and it is absolutely great! "" It gives me a look of mystery, trying to argue with me and obviously thinks it is about this kind of humor. "" Just look at the book and see if you like it! "I exclaim, in the hope that it will be lost. Then I go back to my reading. Seriously, some people need to lighten up.

In the book, Jacobs also talks about his personal life as he thought how he "" the smartest boy in the world "when he was a child growing up, all these rationalizations and his disappointing discovery that it may not be 100% are correct. He talks about his rivalry with his father, began to read the encyclopedia, but only up to the middle in Erlangen. He calls his father and tells him, "I will until the end what you started". "" I'm not sure if I ' "his father replied. He chronicles his ongoing rivalry with his brother-in-law Eric, it is also fun to explain, just read the book. AJ chronicle the eternal annoyance of his wife, as he weaves facts from the encyclopedia in the daily conversation about any topic. It is up to the point where they are a $ 1 fine each Whenever he mentions that all "relevant fact".

Jacobs interviews Alex Trebek of Jeopardy! Fame with the intention of tripping him with his new trivia found. He Mensa International, competes in a crossword puzzle championship, spends a day in his old middle school to impress the children and teacher, goes to "" Who wants to be a Millionaire? "", Trying to outsmart the leader and promoter of several museums, makes a lot of really intellectual Corny jokes with the intention of people to convince that he is really smart, and countless other crazy antics.

I was glued to the book because I have it and read it within a few days. Even though I was with friends, I could not the book, but instead of moving to read for 2 hours according to them.

Now that I have done, I feel the urge to read it again. I feel like A.J. Jacobs is my friend. I know him very well by reading the book. His personal life, its economy, its peculiarities and uncertainties. Now I could only if he / she is my friend on Facebook, all would be right with the world. The best part is, I feel that Jacobs' writing style is starting to rub off on me, if ever so slightly. Mission accomplished.

Well, I will read a book from A.J. Jacobs, known as "The year of living biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to view the Bible as literally as possible", all of the following characteristics Jacobs 700 or so laws, he found reading the Bible, in the old and new testaments. I expect that there are even more hilarious and revealing. I will you to keep that.

"" The Know-It-All "" You will laugh. And according to a study by the University of Maryland Medical Center, laughter has been found to prevent heart disease. As you may or may not know, heart disease is the number one killer in the United States today. This study gives new meaning to say that "laughter is the best medicine."

Zopito DiGiovanni writes a popular blog on Positive Thinking the name "Journal Zopito DiGiovanni success". " This blog can be found at http://www.zopito.com

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